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Backup Manager 1.02 for TI-89 & TI-89 TE


Ranked as 27537 on our all-time top downloads list with 2136 downloads.

Filename backupmanager.zip (Download)
Title Backup Manager 1.02 for TI-89 & TI-89 TE
Description A file backup managing program. Uses a very efficient GUI and some ASM functions to produce a very complexly written yet simple layout. It is by far the most powerful AND efficient Backup program that there is in the archives. I can say this because I have tested each one of them and continue to, and have had people test mine among various other programs, anonymously, and mine was voted the best. You should check this out if you are a calculator gamer, or anyone who uses TSR's. It can be set to back up any variable, compress it, and archive it. It uses lists of vars so you do not have to back up files individually. It has the ability to backup files and safely restart your OS. This version has a small update that merely assists restoring vars after a restart. It also has the ability to Garbage Collect. There are many other features, and it is a relatively small program. It remains compressed when not in use to save memory. It decompresses and loads in 3-4 seconds. Please check this out if it is something you need. It is TI-89 and 89 TE compatible. Screenshots are included.
Author Chad Spooner (spoonlord312@techie.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Memory)
File Size 18,940 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 11 18:09:10 2005
Documentation Included? No


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Name Size
Backup Manager 1.02 for TI-89 & TI-89 TE.tig   28292

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