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Smart-Bars V2.50


Ranked as 734 on our all-time top downloads list with 20876 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 323 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.12.

Filename smartbars.zip (Download)
Title Smart-Bars V2.50
Description Structural analysis program (static) for TI89, TI89-Titanium, TI92+ and V200. It was distributed to help students of civil engineering an other technical fields. It provides graphic and tabular view of the input and results. Features: material/section database, beam/truss elements, springs, hinges, supports, node loads, trapezoidal element loads, temperature, forced displacements and dead load. Calculated values: axial and lateral forces, moments, deformations, minimum and maximum moment and deformation of each element, deformations of each node, support forces. Translations into other languages (French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish) and more information are available on http://www.smart-programs.org .
Authors Bernhard Valentini (bernhard.valentini@smart-programs.org)
Christian Urich (csac7688@uibk.ac.at)
Category TI-89 Assembly Science Programs
File Size 400,641 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 17 03:06:38 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
smartbarsv250_eng/SmartBars.pdf   240820
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbarhelp.89T   5920
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbcalc1.89y   60637
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbinput.89y   52593
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbmatdb.89t   555
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sboutput.89y   33909
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbpic01.89i   595
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbpic02.89i   595
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbpic03.89i   595
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/sbsecdb.89t   498
smartbarsv250_eng/ti89_ti89t/smartbar.89z   1979
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbarhelp.9XT   5920
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbcalc1.9xy   61249
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbinput.9xy   53045
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbmatdb.9xt   555
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sboutput.9xy   33959
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbpic01.9xi   595
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbpic02.9xi   595
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbpic03.9xi   595
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/sbsecdb.9xt   498
smartbarsv250_eng/ti92plus/smartbar.9xz   1979
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbarhelp.V2T   5920
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbcalc1.v2y   61249
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbinput.v2y   53045
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbmatdb.v2t   555
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sboutput.v2y   33959
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbpic01.v2i   595
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbpic02.v2i   595
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbpic03.v2i   595
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/sbsecdb.v2t   498
smartbarsv250_eng/v200/smartbar.v2z   1979

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