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Binary <=> Decimal Converter


Ranked as 15059 on our all-time top downloads list with 3617 downloads.
Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename bindecconveter.zip (Download)
Title Binary <=> Decimal Converter
Description This is a fully funtional binary to decimal converter and vis vesa. It allows the user to specify the bit of the binary number that will be converted to. It also automaticly decides the lenght of the binary number that you input so that it is not only restricted to 8 bit numbers.
Author CJ Jermain (dudeisail@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Numeric Converters)
File Size 4,763 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Sep 23 18:49:25 2004
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Chris Carrow
Reviewed on 2009-10-21
Great for its purpose, converting binary to decimal or decimal to binary. Has a clear menu and takes up little space. No frills, but gets the job done.

Complaints: Binary of more than 16 digits will not display. Outputting the text with 'output (' instead of displaying it with 'disp ' should fix this, but since numbers greater than 16 digits are uncommon to convert, it's not a big problem. The only other issue is that it does not automatically display as many digits as are needed for Dec -> Binary (IE 5 digits for "16") and the digit count must be typed in each time.

Overall, it's a very useful program and good at what it does, if a little limited on the high-end of numbers. Also great that it has a tiny file size.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
bin-dec conveter/CONVERT2.8XP   378
bin-dec conveter/READ ME.txt   681
bin-dec conveter/Thumbs.db   6656

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