JukeBox 83+
Ranked as 24142 on our all-time top downloads list with 2496 downloads. Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads. Ranked as 636 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.47.
Review by
Floyd Maseda
Reviewed on
This is certainly a first for the TI-83+/SE. JukeBox 83+ is the only BASIC program so far that can actually play sound in it. I downloaded this program because it looks exactly like one I am in the process of making. This program allows you to make your own songs, store them to lists (program include that converts to and from lists to strings), and then play them in the main program. You can set whether you repeat the song over and over or not in the options menu and you can also set the tempo. If this program were to look a little more decent, this would be a truly awesome program.
Right now, though, although the author has done some great work, I give this program a 7/10. If graphics were added, the program could even reach as high as a 9 or 10/10, though.
Keep trying, author! |
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Archive Contents
Songs/CHICK.8xl | 1372 |
Songs/DECK.8xl | 1111 |
Songs/ELISE.8xl | 2263 |
Songs/JNGLE.8xl | 832 |
Songs/MARIO.8xl | 2164 |
Songs/MKING.8xl | 886 |
Songs/STARS.8xl | 1588 |
JUKEBOX.8xp | 750 |
LIST2STR.8xp | 210 |
STR2LIST.8xp | 555 |
readme.txt | 4053 |