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Z OS v1.0b


Ranked as 14881 on our all-time top downloads list with 3638 downloads.

Filename 83zos.zip (Download)
Title Z OS v1.0b
Description Tired of the TI-OS? Try Z OS! Z OS is a very useful and nifty program similar to those "Windows" programs out there, except less buggy and more friendly to the user. Z OS has two modes: GUI and Command Prompt. GUI mode is a more user-friendly, but Command Prompt is faster. It includes a shell(Program Manager), calculator, variable clear(clears variables, y-variables, lists 1-6, matrices, etc.), defragmenter, contrast changer, and more! It also shows whether your calc is Silver or not, the amount of free RAM, and your battery status. It is also password-protected! This is only a Beta version, so bugs may occur. Omnicalc Version 1.2x (1.23 recommended) must be installed to run. READ THE ENTIRE README BEFORE SENDING THE PROGRAM TO YOUR CALC!
Author Professor Z (professor_z@programmer.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 45,490 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Sep 2 23:45:15 2004
Documentation Included? Yes


Review by  Alex Beresovsky
Reviewed on 2004-09-03
Although I am a TI-89 owner, Professor Z has let me play with his new TI-83+ program, “Z-OS,” and even though I am not familiar with the TI-83+, I was simply astounded by the features, simplicity, and usefulness of “Z-OS.” This is an awesome operating system. It really makes the TI-83+ a neater calculator. TI has made something like this standard on TI-89 operating systems v2.08 and up, but the TI-83+ needs it to. Instead of TI fulfilling this need, it's Professor Z with “Z-OS!”

One of the best features of this program is that you can do anything you would do with the regular TI-83+ OS without leaving “Z-OS.” You can perform memory functions, program, do complicated calculations all in the attractive GUI “Z-OS.” As soon as you turn on the calc, you are prompted with a password. This way nobody can make use of your calculator without your permission. The command prompt is also a nice feature where you can get information about your calc. Battery status (something not even offered by the regular OS), TI-OS Version, Memory Status and much more.

There are many more features in “Z-OS” than what was listed above. Try it and see for yourself. It makes using the TI-83+ a truly revolutionary experience.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SCREEN02.JPG   10194
SCREEN01.JPG   5946
Readme.rtf   69632
ZOS.8xg   8419
SCREEN04.JPG   6236
SCREEN03.JPG   10249

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