Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
Is this game really as cool as the author wants it to sound (!!! Explosive Super Saiya-jin Rage !!!) or is it a waste of space? In the coming review we will find it out!
Graphics: The screenshots above are kind of misleading. Those graphics (which are still pictures) only appear in the bios of the character. The characters you play with aren't far as cool as those pictures, it are badly drawn 8x16 sprites (unanimated). I think the author should have more time in that since games like this need good graphics to be worth playing. But it miserably fails there. The positive points are the nice interface and the cool intro effect. Because the game isn't graphically strong and the cool pictures are property of Funimation, the graphics deserve a rating of 6/10.
Rating: 6/10
Gameplay: In short, there isn't much. The only thing you can do is shoot the same type of fireball with every type of enemy and slide you character along the first half of the screen (the enemy controls the other screen). Second of all, the game is totally unbalanced and it's practically impossible to win. A positive thing is the interface which is clear and simple. Thumbs up for that. But of course, that hasn't got much to do with gameplay.
Rating: 5/10
Replay Value: Replay is based on how much you will enjoy it again once you play it again. Well because you won't enjoy it even when you play it for the first time I give it a 2/10, because you need to try if there's a chance if you can win, which there isn't :'(
Rating: 2/10
Final words:
Programming wise it's a mess, with so much repetitive code (the same move routine for different enemies) that when optimized the size could easily go down by a couple of kilobytes. The only reason why this program exists is because the author has used resources by other people (image converters, routines and DWedit's App package). I really hope the author will grow programming wise since it seems he's full with ambition and when he knows how to code everything correctly and think about gameplay, something really nice could come out!