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Ultimate Triangle Solver


Ranked as 25595 on our all-time top downloads list with 2328 downloads.

Filename trisolv9.zip (Download)
Title Ultimate Triangle Solver
Description Bugs fixed! This zip file contains the two most recent versions of my triangle solver. Both can solve, based on any three inputs other than 3 angles, any triangle that exists. They are fast, easy to use, quite small, for their features. Both can find the sides, angles, areas, perimeter, circumradius, and inradius of any existing triangle, as well as displaying a to-scale picture of the triangle while showing all these stats. With v9.0.2, you can either have the program display the picture or show the lengths of all the altitudes and medians to each side of the triangle. If more than one solution exists, you can switch back and forth between them. If the triangle doesn't exist, it tells you that (and doesn't crash). Also, a new, unique (I think) interface allows you to choose what value you want to change while seeing the values of all the sides/angles without using menus. All this for less than 2.5K (v9.0.1) or 3K (v9.0.2)! Simply (in my opinion) the best triangle solver out there. The only thing 'BASIC' about it is the programming language!
Author Dan Moore (danbert23@yahoo.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Math Programs (Trigonometry)
File Size 4,982 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Aug 23 08:28:31 2004
Documentation Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
TriSolv9.0.2 Readme.txt   2286
TRISOLV9.86P   2651
TRISOLVR.86P   2240
TriSolv9.0.1 Readme.txt   1896

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