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Ranked as 1312 on our all-time top downloads list with 14404 downloads.
Ranked as 2320 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.

Filename factor9.zip (Download)
Title FACTOR 9
Description This is the infamous FACTOR9 - you'll never have to factorize again! Muhaha! I've made the file smaller than the original (praise Yuddle) so your calc can relax a bit.
Author Thomas Lee (tomjunlee+ticalc@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 3,278 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Aug 23 08:19:45 2004
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Ashley Dyson
Reviewed on 2005-03-18
This program has saved my life for my year 12 Specialist Mathematics and Mathematical Methods courses. It is a great program for checking the factors of polynomials, however, this program cannot complete the square, and hence many quadratics cannot be factorized in this program.

Factor 9 can also do cubic divisions, but is not always correct or accurate. It can also find factors of an integer. It's a bit large at 7K, but it is worth it.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
FACTOR9.8xp   7282

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