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[Doors CS v4.9+] mobileTunes v1.0


Ranked as 17349 on our all-time top downloads list with 3267 downloads.
Ranked as 6123 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 745 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 3.85.

Filename mtunes.zip (Download)
Title [Doors CS v4.9+] mobileTunes v1.0
Description If you have ever wanted to be able to play songs, videos, or slideshows on your calculator, now you can. mobileTunes v1.0 is a media player for use with Doors CS v4.9 or higher. Simply run any song file with Doors CS and it will play the song or media presentation. You can stop, pause, or exit in mid-song, rewind, and fast-forward, all within an intuitive graphical interface. A progress bar shows the time remaining and played. Video and slideshow support is in the same interface as songs, and there is no need for an extra plugin to use these features. Best of all, mobileTunes v1.0 fits in less than 2KB. This update contains a better Javascript song creator. Check it out!
Author Kerm Martian (admin@cemetech.net)
Category TI-83 Assembly Sound Programs
File Size 100,217 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Aug 24 05:12:03 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Ryan Nazaretian
Reviewed on 2004-10-26
“Mobile Tunes” is a good media player for “Doors.” It plays the songs well and can be used from an AM radio or from headphones. The only problems that I have found is sometimes, it will freeze, and there are only a few songs to download. In the manual, it has a built in feature to make your own songs easily.

Graphics 10/10
Fuctionality 8/10
Size 10/10 (Not including the songs)
Features 10/10
Overall 9.5/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
img/bback.gif   862
img/bfwd.gif   862
img/bpause.gif   861
img/bstop.gif   860
img/info.gif   12169
img/installation.gif   12644
img/logo.gif   19564
img/mtuneslogo.gif   19564
img/playsong.gif   13384
img/sdk.gif   7262
img/toc.gif   5050
img/tocarrow.gif   143
img/tocback.gif   528
img/tocgo.gif   1305
program/mtunes.83p   1412
readme.html   12881

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