Pacific Fleet v1.1.83
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Pacific Fleet v1.1.83
Version 1.1 of Pacific Fleet. A variation of Battle Ships for the TI83 and TI83+. The main difference is that the ships only take up one square each. The game starts off with the player and the calc placing each of their 6 ships on a 7 by 7 square board. You then take in turns in attacking each others squares in an attempt to sink each others ships. This version includes a highscore system. Version 1.2 will include multiplayer. I have tested and retested the game, but if you come across any problems or if you have any suggestions please e-mail me.
Sid (
TI-83 BASIC Games (Board/Strategy)
File Size
8,668 bytes
File Date and Time
Sat Jul 24 21:02:02 2004
Documentation Included?
Review by
Andrew Lundeen
Reviewed on
Pacific Fleet is a good game, for one very simple reason. Is it the ingenuity of the game? No, Battleship has been around for years. Is it the most feature or option packed battle simulator there is? No, there really is only one option, to clear the high scores list. Does it have a gripping story with well paced and growing characters? Nope, and it doesn't need them, quite frankly. Does it feature jaw-dropping visuals, which rip at the very soul of the player? No, it features very little graphics at all. This game is good, because it is FUN. Graphics, ingenuity, good writing, options; these things are all tertiary to the amount of fun you have in a game, in ANY game. And this game is no different. If you are the kind of gamer that I am, you will be rip-roaringly cheering one minute when you sink an opponent, and you will be cursing your calculator when you lose one of your own. Smiles will be cracked, while jugular veins will explode.
This is why this game is good. Thanks for creating a fun game. |
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