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Ubiquitous Z80 QuickSort Implementation


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Ranked as 243 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.28.

Filename qsort.zip (Download)
Title Ubiquitous Z80 QuickSort Implementation
Description This routine is quicksort, the fastest sorting algorithm currently out there. It sorts stuff in ascending order, and a demo is included. Just plug the start and end indexes of the list to bc and de, and you're set. Simple and small (<41 instructions, 90 bytes) and really, really fast (200 elements in an unnoticable amount of time). It works for all Z80 processors, all calcs, cellphones, and whatever, though the demo is for the 86. But like all quicksorts, it uses the stack, although I made the recursion structure a little less stack expensive.
Author Frank Yaul ()
Category TI-86 Assembly Routines
File Size 97,491 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Jul 24 20:47:31 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
qsort/qsort.asm   1492
qsort/qsort.gif   100691
qsort/readme.txt   5049
qsort/qsort.86p   251

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