A Text centering program by hookPROgraming
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A Text centering program by hookPROgraming
ever tried to create a program with text? I have. "first you randomly guess numbers until you get it close then you try and put it exactly where you want it, and then it's there,the perfect placement, and it only took 1 hour,oh wait u made a spelling error start over." to prevent this from happening, download this must have program for ANY level basic programmer. it allows you to position text or outputs on the screen with the arrow keys and then gives you the code(it's got a few more cool features) please download and read readme file. this program is a MUST have for every programmer. By jeff burge of hookPROgraming
jeff burge (hookprograming@hotmail.com)
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size
5,254 bytes
File Date and Time
Wed Jul 7 17:06:23 2004
Documentation Included?
Review by
Joe Young
Reviewed on
This program is certainly an intruiging tool for novice programmers, and possibly veterans as well. The ability to place text on the screen to find the exact coordinate location is helpful indeed.
This is a program, say, for people in class who have really nothing much to do besides programming, so they work on GUIs and so forth during the teacher's long sermons. However, if you are leisurely programming at you computer, one may find it easier to just use paint.
However, it's a short, easy program with a useful application, worthy of populating these archives. |
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