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Settings 1.08


Ranked as 22147 on our all-time top downloads list with 2701 downloads.

Filename settings.zip (Download)
Title Settings 1.08
Description Allows you to change the key repeat delay, key repeat rate, power down time (APD timer) and the cursor blink rate. NEW in v1.08: source has been reorganized and a version is included that autiomaticly installs a hook if you need it.
Author jesse frey (soring8@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 52,574 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 17 03:18:09 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/clean.bat   92
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/Const Keyboard Installer.tpr   1308
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/Const Keybord Installer.tpr   1278
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/Fixed Keyboard Installer.tpr   1298
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/instal trap 4 hook.c   2466
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/Make T4 Tsr.bat   638
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/MakeT4_Tsr.bat   642
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/note to dvelopers.txt   448
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/Small TSR.c   1479
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/Small Tsr.tpr   1242
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/SmallArray.h   255
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/SmallTSR.bat   855
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/t4 hook.c   1204
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/T4array.h   398
settings/Const Kbd Hook src/T4Hook.tpr   1236
settings/Const Keyboard Installer.89z   642
settings/Const Keyboard Installer.9xz   642
settings/Const Keyboard Installer.v2z   642
settings/Const Keybord Installer.89z   722
settings/Const Keybord Installer.9xz   722
settings/Const Keybord Installer.v2z   722
settings/kbdset.89z   505
settings/kbdset.9xz   505
settings/kbdset.v2z   505
settings/readme.odt   15861
settings/readme.txt   4280
settings/scorce kbdset/kbdset.tpr   1205
settings/scorce kbdset/save-restore.c   1109
settings/set no hook.89z   1247
settings/set no hook.9xz   1235
settings/set no hook.v2z   1235
settings/Set src/set.tpr   1241
settings/Set src/setHook.s   1175
settings/Set src/settings manager.c   10079
settings/set.89z   1353
settings/set.9xz   1341
settings/set.v2z   1341
settings/set+hook.89z   1687
settings/set+hook.9xz   1675
settings/set+hook.v2z   1675
settings/Trap 4 TSR uninstall.89z   311
settings/Trap 4 TSR uninstall.9xz   311
settings/Trap 4 TSR uninstall.v2z   311
settings/uninstall/Trap 4 TSR uninstall.tpr   1242
settings/uninstall/uninstall.c   1123

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