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Koopa Attack! v1.0


Ranked as 15574 on our all-time top downloads list with 3527 downloads.
Ranked as 739 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 4.02.

Filename koopattack.zip (Download)
Title Koopa Attack! v1.0
Description The object of the game is to score as high as possible by bouncing on enemies without touching the ground. Bounce on koopas and goombas, but bouncing on spineys will kill you and bouncing on koopas will cause thier shell to slide across the screen and kill other enemies. All bugs have been fixed and it is now compatible with mirage and crunchy.
Author Ted Hamn (TedHamn@netscape.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 3,170 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 15 21:27:27 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Donald Straney
Reviewed on 2004-07-27
As shown in the screenshot of “Koopa Attack!,” you must jump on various creatures that pass underneath Mario to stay in the air. It can be good at times, but there are some problems: First, despite what the description says, not all bugs have been fixed. I have found that I can bounce on the ground or on spiky creatures (which is supposed to end the game) occasionally. Sometimes, I will be able to bounce on the very edge of a passing creature, and sometimes the game will end when I hit another one in the same position. Also, there are some times when not enough creatures appear in the open area at the same time to stay airborne, which ends the game no matter how skilled the person playing. This makes most games very short (under 30 seconds).

Still, this game does have its good points. It can be very fun when it lasts long enough. The controls are well placed and responsive, and the graphics are good. If the problems I mentioned were fixed, it would be great. All in all, “Koopa Attack!” is at least worth a download (I gave it a 7 out of 10).


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Archive Contents
Name Size
KOOPA.83P   1825
koopa.8xp   1827
readme.txt   639

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