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OurWorld v1.0


Ranked as 266 on our all-time top downloads list with 38385 downloads.
Ranked as 3980 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 23 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.87.

Filename ourworld.zip (Download)
Title OurWorld v1.0
Description OurWorld is a virtual globe for your handheld graphing technology. It features a zoomable map of the world, with important political features labeled. OurWorld samples world political boundaries with more than 30,000 points, with extra detail in the United States. There are more than 1,100 labels, including countries, lakes, capitals, and major cities. NOTE: Now contains source code.
Author Kirk Meyer (kirk.meyer@alpaxo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Misc. Programs
File Size 276,698 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 13 20:10:00 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Christopher Chancellor
Reviewed on 2006-10-11
"OurWorld" is an extremely impressive application. There may be other map programs on the net, but none can compete with the zoomability, detail, and features of this miracle. Most calculator maps aren't very detailed, but "OurWorld" captures even the most obscure of places perfectly, even as a full-fledged world map! It also has a sensor device to give you the coordinates of the part of the map you're looking at, a distance calculator, and an impressive search function with every single label listed on it.

The program is surprisingly easy to operate, with the fool-proof keypad controls of zoom ([+],[-]) and maneuvering throughout the map ([up], [down], [left], [right]). However, the menu is placed quite oddly on the "Clear" key, which left me confused for a few minutes. Because of the absolute awesomeness of this program, I've deemed it unable to be improved upon. I would definitely recommend this to everyone (more so for an 84+(SE) owners because of the speed)!

My overall rating: 10/10

See 4 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
OurWorld.pdf   24234
ourworld.8xk   236460
ourworldsrc.zip   138825

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