Difficulty: 5/10
How long it took me to beat: 30 minutes
Overall Score: B
Episode 4: The Shell Games is a fairly short world based around, you guessed it, turtle shells. The author has some moderately creative sections which greatly enhance the appeal of this world. However, most of your time is spent waiting for turtle shells. As a result, the level is fun the first time through, but lacks replay value.
The first few levels are not very difficult as they have only one or two obstacles in order to beat them. The last level, however, is extremely difficult and rather frustrating. You must beat a Bowser on uneven ground without the benefit of one-ups, stars or mushrooms. Most likely a player will have no trouble getting to this level (though it may take some time), but will have lots of trouble beating it.
I would say this world is geared towards moderate players. These players will probably enjoy this level, as long they do not get too frustrated by the last Bower (and having to beat the first levels over and over to get to him). I would recommend to these players that if they fail several times, that they move on to another world before this frustration sets in.