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TrueGray Viewer v1.0


Ranked as 11131 on our all-time top downloads list with 4455 downloads.
Ranked as 161 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.46.

Filename truegray.zip (Download)
Title TrueGray Viewer v1.0
Description TrueGray is the first flicker-free, 7-layer grayscale algorithm for the TI-83 Plus and TI-83 Plus Silver Edition. The TrueGray Viewer, which allows you to view your TrueGray images, has a menu interface along with options to view and cycle through images, adjust contrast, and view negatives. The TrueGray Windows Console Application lets you generate TrueGray images from your own bitmaps.
Author Matthew Burkholder (truegray2004@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Graphics Programs (Ion)
File Size 168,601 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 1 20:09:25 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Trey Burba
Reviewed on 2008-10-15
This is the only other true image format I have found available for the TI-83/84 line other than the old, venerable RIG2 format. And I have to say, 3 years and three more levels of grayscale, I'm impressed, especially since this program was written for Ion, even when Mirage 1.2 was taking the TI world by storm.

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Archive Contents
Name Size
TrueGray/Console/Console.html   3975
TrueGray/Console/truegray.exe   176128
TrueGray/Images/blackdog.8xp   2402
TrueGray/Images/blackdog.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/bluejay.8xp   2400
TrueGray/Images/bluejay.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/canal.8xp   2408
TrueGray/Images/canal.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/carfront.8xp   2402
TrueGray/Images/carfront.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/carside.8xp   2401
TrueGray/Images/carside.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/centeped.8xp   2402
TrueGray/Images/centeped.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/fish.8xp   2397
TrueGray/Images/fish.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/gollum.8xp   2399
TrueGray/Images/gollum.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/grandcan.8xp   2405
TrueGray/Images/grandcan.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/hotair.8xp   2409
TrueGray/Images/hotair.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/lion.8xp   2397
TrueGray/Images/lion.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/mexcath.8xp   2410
TrueGray/Images/mexcath.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/seacloud.8xp   2403
TrueGray/Images/seacloud.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/star.8xp   2404
TrueGray/Images/star.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/stonebrg.8xp   2405
TrueGray/Images/stonebrg.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/sunset.8xp   2409
TrueGray/Images/sunset.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/usflag.8xp   2402
TrueGray/Images/usflag.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/wasp.8xp   2397
TrueGray/Images/wasp.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/yoda.8xp   2397
TrueGray/Images/yoda.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/yodaactn.8xp   2405
TrueGray/Images/yodaactn.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/zebra.8xp   2398
TrueGray/Images/zebra.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Images/zelda.8xp   2398
TrueGray/Images/zelda.bmp   18486
TrueGray/Readme.html   4386
TrueGray/truegray.8xp   1289

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