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Ranked as 479 on our all-time top downloads list with 26939 downloads.
Ranked as 2357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.
Ranked as 320 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.12.

Filename civ89.zip (Download)
Title Civ89
Description This is Civ89 (version 1.05), a game based on the Civilization series. It is a game of military, technological, and economic conquest played with two people on one TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92 plus, or Voyage 200 calculator. The zip file includes CivEdit (version 1.04), a program that allows you to create and edit map, scenario, and game files.
Author William Jacobs (trekkie@mit.edu)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Strategy)
File Size 348,473 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Aug 6 01:07:40 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Chris Pettit
Reviewed on 2004-09-16
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“Civ89” is a turn-based empires strategy game par excellent.

Gameplay 7/10 - Two things needed: an AI editor (since there is as of yet no AI) and a random scenario generator. Beyond these, the game is smooth and fast. There is a tech tree goal map which is beneficial and the turn summary screen is impressive in detail.

Graphics 9/10 - On the 92+, the map and units are incredibly tiny, only using 70% of the screen. The version history states that the game scale was bigger originally.

Controls 10/10 - The game does not come with a manual. But when you check out the website and download the manual there, the controls are simple and effective.

Addictiveness - 8/10 I think that it takes too many turns for the game to get going. A single turn is too insignificant. The two players have to trade off calcs constantly to work up an army and city-state. It takes about forty or so turns before war breaks out.

Replay - 8/10 This game potentially could be very replayable if a simple scenario was generated.

Overall - 8/10 The programmer put some serious time into “Civ89.” This is a fun game that swallows up time and for a turn-based game, and also runs extremely fast. Good job!

See 1 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Game files/Recommended/main.map0.89y   589
Game files/Recommended/main.scen0.89y   2088
Game files/Optional/main.civgame7.89y   1389
Game files/Optional/main.civgame8.89y   1091
Game files/Optional/main.civgame9.89y   1697
Game files/Optional/main.map1.89y   339
Game files/Optional/main.map2.89y   939
Game files/User-made/Fantasy Map.89y   736
Game files/User-made/Fantasy Scenario.89y   1763
Source code/Civ89.c   193832
Source code/Civ89.tpr   1206
Source code/CivEdit.c   125531
Source code/CivEdit.tpr   1199
TI-89/CivEdit/CivEdit.89z   2010
TI-89/CivEdit/zcivedit.89y   26782
TI-89/Civ89/Civ89.89z   2010
TI-89/Civ89/zciv89.89y   34387
TI-89 Titanium/Civ89/zciv89.89y   34387
TI-89 Titanium/Civ89/Civ89-Titanium.89z   1694
TI-89 Titanium/CivEdit/zcivedit.89y   26782
TI-89 Titanium/CivEdit/CivEdit-Titanium.89z   1694
TI-92/CivEdit/CivEdit.9xz   2010
TI-92/CivEdit/zcivedit.9xy   26781
TI-92/Civ89/Civ89.9xz   2010
TI-92/Civ89/zciv89.9xy   34394
V200/CivEdit/CivEdit.v2z   2010
V200/CivEdit/zcivedit.v2y   26783
V200/Civ89/Civ89.v2z   2010
V200/Civ89/zciv89.v2y   34393
readme.txt   5477

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