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Calc 1999


Ranked as 29543 on our all-time top downloads list with 1920 downloads.
Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename calc.zip (Download)
Title Calc 1999
Description Well its probably the best OS ive seen out there I wrote it along time ago when i had no internet and was grounded for several weeks... I havent worked on it in years and its not completely flash shell... but I wanted to put a release out because I want a few peeps to pitch in and help finish it. Its has virtual hard drive, dedicated memory space to allow any application to grab more memory then the standard variables. It has basic funtion calls I built back in the day but since I was the only person I thought to ever use it i never finished them on a wide scale and truly is the closes thing to windows.. ive seen. WARNING runs abit slow not loaded as an app but I don't feel like setting all that up tonight. ***NOTE*** my version of snake is awesome... if you run it as an app kinda slow otherwise
Author Duante Dude (hscdaunte@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 4,981 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 9 05:48:45 2004
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Will Brown
Reviewed on 2004-12-22
I would definitely not recommend this program. I have an 84+ SE and downloaded “Calc 1999” to my calc, and it took a ton of time to load and once it got to the home screen. When I tried to "click" anything or move the cursor, my calc either just froze or the cursor went a pixel a second. When I finally selected anything, my RAM cleared. Every one of the ten times I tried using this program, this happened. “Calc 1999” I'm sure has some very interesting and useful features (as it looks like it does from the readme and the menus), but my calc completely froze up every time I tried to use this program. I can't give it a rating because I never got to use any of its features.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
CALC.8xg   9819

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