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Fractal 1.0


Ranked as 25519 on our all-time top downloads list with 2345 downloads.

Filename fractal.zip (Download)
Title Fractal 1.0
Description Fractal generates a Fractal image and stores it in Pic0. In addition to the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets the User can create custom formulas in prgmFRM. The User can zoom in on the fractal by changing the window variables and change the level of detail by choosing the number of iterations per pixel. The drawback to this program is that is very slow and may take several hours to generate an image with higher numbers of iterations. Because of this it is recommended that you create the image with an emulator like Virtual TI and send the image to your calculator. On the other hand, the program is small and as fast as anything of this kind.
Author Ian Goth (c1arinetboy@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs
File Size 7,636 bytes
File Date and Time Sat May 8 07:37:13 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
FRM.8xp   125
FRACTAL.8xp   708
SCREEN01.GIF   1583
SCREEN03.GIF   1482
SCREEN04.GIF   1453
SCREEN02.GIF   1423
Fractal.txt   3836

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