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Useful add-ons: Pause and Game Over


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Ranked as 5530 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename addons.zip (Download)
Title Useful add-ons: Pause and Game Over
Description These are two incredibly useful programs for your games: use z for score, c for pause, and w for high score. With these, you do not have to waste space on your program with space-wasting pause and game over files. Just link your program to prgmSCORE and prgmPAUSE.
Author Johnny Hwang (loneph03nixx@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Development Tools)
File Size 9,433 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 11 06:14:30 2004
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Jonathan Sanborn
Reviewed on 2004-04-12
Some instructions, or a readme document, for this file would be very nice. I’ve found that the high score program can only work with one game at a time, since one game can easily overwrite another game’s score, even if you’re not playing the other game. Since these two routines packaged in the file are usually small, it is usually better to leave them up to the programmer add to prevent variable conflicts so that the high score isn't always wiped out. However, if you are a beginner trying to figure out how to do a pause or a high score screen, you might want to look at the code to see how it is done. As for being an add-on, like the name suggests, it is probably useless to an advanced programmer.

I do have one suggestion for the author: Make several more of these kind of programs (demonstrating common things used in games), write some instructions, and write a decent BASIC tutorial with these programs as examples. This way, you turn virtually useless programs into a very useful tutorial.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Addons/PAUSE.8XP   147
Addons/SCORE.8XP   191
Addons/SCREEN01.JPG   6130
Addons/SCREEN02.JPG   4967

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