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Ranked as 12043 on our all-time top downloads list with 4222 downloads.
Ranked as 4531 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 643 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.38.

Filename pong_jeepee.zip (Download)
Title Pong4
Description I made this game for the pong - programming - contest on Maxcoderz and Greenfire. I wanted to make a original pong-game, and so I did. I made a pong game without AI. This looks some boring, but therefore I made another difficulty: play against yourself (so you always win .... and lose). I did this by putting a bat on each side of the screen. It's really loads of fun! Just try it!
Authors dougsworld.tk (doug012310@yahoo.com)
Joris Peeraer (porter) (jorispeeraer@tiscali.be)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Arcade)
File Size 15,947 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Mar 29 07:01:57 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Bilbo Baggins
Reviewed on 2007-12-07
This game is good for playing against yourself, but not other people because it uses the directonal arrows for both sets of paddles. It would be better if it used keys on oppisite sides of the calculator, then you could have a 2-player battle.

I had some problems with this program, when I started it, the resolution would go all wonky. I also had trouble exiting the game after I lost due to the funny resolution.

If this game worked well, it would get a 7/10, I might be being generous.

As is, it gets a 4/10.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
pong4.8xp   533
pong4.asm   7557
README.txt   1969
screenshot.gif   17265

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