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3 Yahtzee Games!


Ranked as 2078 on our all-time top downloads list with 10975 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename 3in1yahtzee.zip (Download)
Title 3 Yahtzee Games!
Description This is the ultimate file for yahtzee fans! This file contains 3 yahtzee games: Original yahtzee, Triple yahtzee, and Poker yahtzee. All three of these games include a high score feature to save your highest scores.
Author Michael Chrusniak (mchrus3618@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Board/Dice)
File Size 11,477 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Oct 31 05:01:38 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Alex Ruddick
Reviewed on 2004-10-17
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

If you like “Yahtzee!,” definitely download these games. They have great graphics for BASIC, good gameplay, and pretty good speed considering everything is graphical. Each of the three games is pretty much the same, except for scoring. I would advise choosing the one you like best and deleting the others, unless you have a lot of space, as they take up about 29k total (Don't send them all at once to RAM or you will get an “ERROR: MEMORY” message.). The only problems I found were a spelling mistake in the instructions and if you haven't played “Yahtzee!” before, the scorecards are hard to understand. I suggest playing real “Yahtzee!” first, or reading the rules somewhere, or you will have no idea what "SS" (small straight) or "FH" (full house) mean!

Graphics: 10
Gameplay :8
Speed: 7
Originality: 10
Size: 5
Overall: 9


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Archive Contents
Name Size
PYAHTZEE.8XP   10167
YAHTZE3X.8xp   8977
YAHTZEE.8XP   7179
Yahtzee Read me.txt   5626

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