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Utilite Calc System- v1.00


Ranked as 25266 on our all-time top downloads list with 2374 downloads.

Filename autilite.zip (Download)
Title Utilite Calc System- v1.00
Description The Utilite Calc System provids a ***user-friendly GUI & valuable system tools***, along with a description of all the programs it includes. This is not your basic "thrown-together" utility system, but the ultimate program for those of you that like to program and also just like keeping your calculator in good condition. -->When program is in use, press the corresponding # to the program you want to start. Press the symbol that is stated in parenthesis to see a description of that program. ***Please Email me with suggestions for additions to this program!!!***
Author (trombonetm@aol.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Memory)
File Size 1,611 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Feb 6 02:25:39 2004
Documentation Included? No


Review by  Shengzhi Li
Reviewed on 2004-07-06
This is definitely worse than your BASIC “thrown around utility program.” First of all, the program only has two functions. The first one is clear all the variables in your RAM, which you can simply do by going into the memory menu. Not only that, the program gives you "ARCHIVED" errors if one of your variables are archived. The second function is “getKey,” which works, but isn't really that useful. You can make a program that returns you “getKey” using less than 100 bytes in BASIC, or just memorize the keys.

I think that these two functions are overpriced in memory (1733 bytes!) and are not that useful anyways. I would give this program a rating of 1/10.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
readme.txt   1598

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