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StarCraft Beta 0.6 with editor (English, French and Spanish


Ranked as 162 on our all-time top downloads list with 50105 downloads.
Ranked as 4531 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 701 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.15.

Filename starcraft.zip (Download)
Title StarCraft Beta 0.6 with editor (English, French and Spanish
Description In this new version there are enemy in grey and you are in black on a large map of 96x64. You can change the speed of the game. And lots of other thing...
Author Davy (davy8x@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size 86,236 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jun 29 00:05:48 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Edward Gan
Reviewed on 2004-04-03
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

If you've ever played “Starcraft” for the computer, this is scarily faithful to it. There is a working mini-map, resource management, pylons, upgrades, and health. Even the graphics are awesome. There is just one tiny problem: there are no AI and no 2-player mode. Without enemies, this game remains just an extreme tech demo. The map editor is cool, but it doesn't make up for the lack of AI. I give this a 6/10, though I so badly want to give it an 11/10 once it is more complete.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
English/Read-me.txt   1181
English/SCeditor.8xk   12534
English/SCeditor.8xp   5013
English/SCeditUK.inc   743
English/SCprotos.8xk   26007
English/SCprotUK.inc   1246
Espa¤ol/SCeditES.inc   792
Espa¤ol/SCeditor.8xk   12580
Espa¤ol/SCeditor.8xp   5035
Espa¤ol/SCprotES.inc   1347
Espa¤ol/SCprotos.8xk   26072
Fran‡ais/Lisez-moi.txt   1280
Fran‡ais/SCeditFR.inc   797
Fran‡ais/SCeditor.8xk   12599
Fran‡ais/SCeditor.8xp   5039
Fran‡ais/SCprotFR.inc   1275
Fran‡ais/SCprotos.8xk   26078
Sceditor.z80   48307
SCprotos.z80   100149
screen1.gif   220
screen2.gif   500
screen3.gif   382
screen4.GIF   1199

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