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Equation Editing Aplication


Ranked as 750 on our all-time top downloads list with 20552 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 662 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.98.

Filename eea.zip (Download)
Title Equation Editing Aplication
Description Calculate like on a TI-89. Only OS v1.13.
Author Andy Hochhaus (amhochhaus@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Math Programs
File Size 5,508 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 13 15:44:46 2004
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Martin Warmer
Reviewed on 2005-02-22
The idea behind “Equation Editing Application” is very nice. It tries to use the precious screen space on the TI-83+ more effectively. It does this by emulating the 68K calculator user interface with the small font. This means that you have a one line editor on the bottom of the screen and have input/answer pairs in the top of the screen.

However, this appplication has a few things which make it not very attractive to use daily for me, but would make "EEA" better if the following were improved:

-It only supports OS 1.13, which is quite old and doesn't work very well with TI-Connect.
-It removes the [2nd]+“Entry” functionality. That would not have been such a great loss if the select answer functionality that I know the TI-92 calc has would have been replicated as well.
-The entered expressions can't be read if they are too large to fit on the same line as the answer.


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