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A Wok in the Park


Ranked as 3830 on our all-time top downloads list with 8042 downloads.
Ranked as 19194 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 668 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 5.98.

Filename awokinthepark.zip (Download)
Title A Wok in the Park
Description If you have been waiting for the perfect Chinese restaurant strategy game you are in luck. A Wok in the Park let's you build and run your very own Chinese restaurant, in the center of central park! Manage employees, ads, maintenance, kitchen, etc... Satisfy your customers and they will keep coming back, allowing you to expand your restaurant. If you keep your profit margins wider than Chairman Mao, you will find much fortune in A Wok in the Park. This game requires only one Pic, and the main file is about 13,000 bytes. On-Calc tutorial and documentation are included for your reading pleasure.
Author Steve Spatula (scvx@earthlink.net)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Simulation)
File Size 14,434 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jan 18 20:29:21 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Alex Ruddick
Reviewed on 2005-01-18
The clever title was the first thing that drew my attention. This game is all about managing a Chinese restaurant, presumably in a park. You have control over what you spend on employees, maintenance, renovations, advertising, and expansion. You attempt to get as many customers, loyal customers, and profits as possible. It is difficult to get the hang of at first, but a very good on-calc tutorial is provided. The controls may seem a bit cluttered, but that is because everything is packed onto the small screen of the calc. The little "people" running around in your restaurant (which changes, if you get the optional "expansion") break up the monotony quite nicely. There are enough things to do to make this game take a while to beat.

Graphics: 9/10: Cluttered, but well designed. People are amusing to watch. :)
Gameplay: 9/10: Enough things to do, although repetitive sometimes. Takes a while to beat
Speed: 7/10: Runs fairly fast considering its complexity
Originality: 9/10: Creative title, and fairly original game. Has plenty of features that others don't
Documentation: 10/10: The readme and on-calc manual explain any questions you might have, and make the game a lot less confusing
Size: 5/10: The only major downfall of this program is its large size. (14k + 4k or so for additional graphics and 5k for help files) However, you don't need to keep the graphics or help files if you need space.

Overall: 9/10 Great game, worth playing if you have space


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Optional Graphics/Pic0.8xi   832
Optional Graphics/Pic1.8xi   832
Optional Graphics/Pic2.8xi   832
Optional Graphics/Pic3.8xi   832
Optional Graphics/Pic4.8xi   832
Optional Graphics/Pic5.8xi   832
Optional Graphics/Pic6.8xi   832
Optional Tutorial/ZWOKHLP.8XP   4587
Optional Tutorial/ZWOKHLP2.8XP   528
AWOK.8XP   12762
Pic00.8XI   832
ReadMe.txt   8629
S.8xl   598
ZWOK.8XP   653

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