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Smart-Section V2.01


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Ranked as 4040 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 8 downloads.

Filename smartsec.zip (Download)
Title Smart-Section V2.01
Description Smart-Section is a program for TI89, TI89-Titanium, TI92+ and V200 which calculates cross section values, stress distribution and the core of a cross section or composite cross section. It was distributed to help students of civil engineering and other technical fields. It provides graphic input/output and a tabular view of the results. Features: calculation of polygonal cross sections and composite cross sections, additional use of circle elements, section generator for cross sections that are often used, stress distribution, core of a cross section and scroll and zoomable drawing area. Calculated cross section values: area, perimeter of section, static moments, center of area, moments of inertia, moment of deviation, maximum and minimum moment of inertia, radius of gyration, minimum resistive torque, stress in x-direction, coordinates of the core of the cross section. Translations into other languages (German, Spanish) are available on http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~csac7688/ .
Authors Bernhard Valentini (bernhard.valentini@smart-programs.org)
Christian Urich (csac7688@uibk.ac.at)
Category TI-89 Assembly Science Programs
File Size 253,223 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 11 17:59:51 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp08.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp01.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp02.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp03.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp04.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp05.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp06.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/ssecp07.v2i   607
smartsecv201_eng/v200/SSECHELP.V2T   3213
smartsecv201_eng/v200/SMARTSEC.V2Z   1665
smartsecv201_eng/v200/SSEC.v2y   63115
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp01.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp02.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp03.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp04.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp05.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp06.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp07.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/ssecp08.9xi   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/SSECHELP.9XT   3213
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/SMARTSEC.9XZ   1665
smartsecv201_eng/ti92plus/SSEC.9xy   63115
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/SSECHELP.89T   3213
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp01.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp02.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp03.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp04.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp05.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp06.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp07.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/ssecp08.89i   607
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/SMARTSEC.89Z   1665
smartsecv201_eng/ti89/SSEC.89y   63119
smartsecv201_eng/instructions.txt   2046
smartsecv201_eng/SMARTSEC.pdf   200079
smartsecv201_eng/translation.txt   4548

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