Dwedit's Appdev Kit 2.0
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appdev.zip (Download)
Dwedit's Appdev Kit 2.0
This kit contains all the tools necessary to create TI83+ flash applications. Be sure to look at the sample programs.
Dan Weiss (danweiss@gmail.com)
Windows Assembly Utilities
File Size
516,276 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Jan 8 09:22:45 2004
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Patrick Stetter
Reviewed on
Dwedit's Appdev Kit is the perfect tool for asm developers for the 73, 83, 83+, and 84 series calculators. This tool is amazingly detailed and allows easy compiling for almost any shell known. This tool simplifies the entire process of looking for an assembler, include files, and other utilities, by making one giant include file for everything. I have found that it not only helps in programs, but also makes the process of app creation a snap. The amount of work put into this is evident, and I would recommend this to any ASM programmer. Lastly, it is incredibly easy to use. A #include of dwedit.inc and a couple of #defines is all that it takes.
Ease of use: 9.5/10
Reliability: 10/10
Overall: 9.75/10
All that holds it back from a perfect score are some compatibility issues with the TI Flash Debugger, but those are easily fixed by modifying a couple of batch files. I would recommend this to all levels of programmers. Also for those with no DOS experience, all of the steps are covered in detail in the readme. |
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Archive Contents
_cleanall.bat | 584 |
_cleanone.bat | 58 |
_getall.bat | 514 |
_getfile.bat | 88 |
appdev.txt | 2172 |
appdev_sample/fastcopy.h | 806 |
appdev_sample/hello.z80 | 575 |
appdev_sample/hello2.z80 | 435 |
appdev_sample/helo.z80 | 685 |
appdev_sample/helo2.z80 | 435 |
appdev_sample/helo3.z80 | 436 |
appdev_sample/iceclmb.asm | 7398 |
appdev_sample/icemaps.h | 4900 |
appdev_sample/make_hello.bat | 51 |
appdev_sample/make_helo.bat | 50 |
appdev_sample/make_iceclmb.bat | 52 |
asmapp.bat | 1553 |
asmapp2.bat | 1815 |
asmapp3.bat | 2082 |
asmapp4.bat | 2353 |
asmapp5.bat | 2624 |
BinToIntelHex.cpp | 5414 |
BinToIntelHex.exe | 196608 |
dwedit.inc | 284098 |
Tasm.exe | 90112 |
TASM80.TAB | 23045 |
TASMMAN.HTM | 96363 |
TASMTABS.HTM | 112881 |
ti83plus.inc | 134854 |
Utils/0104.key | 270 |
Utils/addHex.exe | 43008 |
Utils/appsign.bat | 2942 |
Utils/CONVERT.EXE | 18119 |
Utils/fillapp.exe | 167991 |
Utils/GLHeader.exe | 213057 |
Utils/rabsig.exe | 116736 |
Utils/sighead.bin | 2 |
Utils/WappConsts.vbs | 142 |
Utils/Wappsign.exe | 65536 |
Utils/WappsignExample.wsf | 1053 |
Utils/WappsignGuide.pdf | 37993 |