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Hyper-Sim Training Room (Anna's Note: v2.01)


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Ranked as 8920 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename mtstrain.zip (Download)
Title Hyper-Sim Training Room (Anna's Note: v2.01)
Description Three days after the salvage mission to Robotropolis Anna Mei, girlfriend to Marc the Superkid, finished rebuilding the destroyed Hyper Sim Training Room. However, due to Marc's previous interaction with the room, the database had been wiped and all information on the enemies was lost. However, she was able to create a special program that allows the creation of new enemies that can be tested with the HSTR. Also due to Marc's actions, the CalmBubble effect has been placed on the entire room, preventing Marc's Rage Break Super Arts. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was a fairly quickly put together program that I made. Basically it allows you to easily test the enemies made with the external enemy maker. It includes an updated version of the enemy maker that should fix some crashing enemies as well as an updated MtSRbts.8xg containing fixed enemies. However, you DO get all the Hyper Arts right off the bat, but not the Normal Arts cuz I'm too lazy to change them from the original...
Author Marc Ryan (vahnrpg@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size 154,166 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jan 2 10:53:36 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
MtSQTrue.chm   64932
MtSTrain.8xk   78066
MtSRbts.8xg   3202
MtSQuest Enemy Maker.zip   69537

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