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Grade Butler v1.2


Ranked as 31101 on our all-time top downloads list with 1748 downloads.
Ranked as 19357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename gradebutler.zip (Download)
Title Grade Butler v1.2
Description This program is neither the smallest nor the fastest grades program out there. However, it is the most reliable and easiest to use. This program is made to handle Biology, English, Math, Physics, and Soc.St. You can classify each grade you enter as a Test, Quiz, or Assignment. Your marks stay archived in lists so in case your RAM gets cleared, all you need to do is transfer the main program file again. This program also gives the choice of password protection. Hope you enjoy it.
Author Joel Hoeksema (jahoeksema@parklandimmanuel.ca)
Category TI-83 BASIC Educational Programs (Agenda, Homework Tracking, Schedule Programs)
File Size 2,973 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Dec 17 00:51:59 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Grade Butler/Grade Butler Read Me.txt   2012
Grade Butler/GRADEB.8XG   3881

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