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Ranked as 21534 on our all-time top downloads list with 2763 downloads.

Filename rocket.zip (Download)
Title Rocket
Description Whoa! Watch out! Falling asteroids are coming. Steer your glider to avoid trouble and go for the high score. Use your harpoon gun to destroy small rocks, but upgrade to the missile launcher to do some real damage. Features ammo crates, varying asteroid size and frequency, weapon upgrades, and different speed levels. Enjoy!
Author Bodhi Peace (cavymania2002@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Shooters)
File Size 11,947 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Dec 15 20:16:55 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Ben Cherry
Reviewed on 2004-01-25
Rocket is a great, yet simple game. It runs smoothly with good graphics for non-grayscale. You control the (rocket) ship at the bottom and try to avoid the asteroids that come flying your way. This may sound easy, but it is not as easy as you think. The real fun and challenge comes from the way that your ship moves. It moves on an inertia system, so if you tap left you will accelerate left and wont stop until you hit the wall and bounce back, or hit right to change your direction. If you go too fast in one direction you will find it hard to turn around quickly and thus hard to avoid the asteroids. Luckily, your rocket comes equipped with a harpoon gun that stops time as it travels. It will destroy parts of asteroids, but if it hits the edge of the screen it will bounce back and become another obstacle for you to avoid... As you pick up ammo crates, your reload time is decreased, allowing you to fire more harpoons. And if you get enough ammo crates your harpoon is upgraded to a missile that demolishes the ever-growing asteroids that come flying your way.

This is a game that is worth downloading, and is perfect for a little free time during class.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
rocket.89z   4825
readme.txt   1465
ROCKET2.GIF   9223

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