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Ranked as 10585 on our all-time top downloads list with 4606 downloads.

Filename lightsout.zip (Download)
Title lightsout
Description Lights Out is a game in which you try to turn out all the lights(DUH!). However, doing this is not so easy. This game includes 50 levels, and a random level generator. Full commented(sort of good) c source included. Made with TIGCC. NEW IN THIS VERSION: Titanium compatible, Speed and Size Optimazations
Author jordan krage (jmank88@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 101,380 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 31 21:24:48 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Mike Elgen
Reviewed on 2004-02-05
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Based on the classic, Lights Out has challenged brilliant minds for years. This version uses decent graphics, making it more appealing than others which just use numbers or dots.

Now that this game uses 2ND, it has become very enjoyable for me to play. It started out as a challenge for me but now, after practice, I can beat all of the levels. Many of the levels are pretty creative, adding to the general enjoyment of the game.

Gameplay is smooth, with nice grayscale effects. Controls are simple to use, and grayscale adds to the overall appealment of the game. The only problem I found was the "mini-game" turns off grayscale, but it is not turned back on during the rest of the game. This program is also fairly large for a simple game, but worth it.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
lightsout/LitesOut.89y   4584
lightsout/LitesOut.89z   2010
lightsout/Litesout.c   32208
lightsout/Litesout.o   64745
lightsout/Litesout.s   77540
lightsout/LitesOut.tpr   1163
lightsout/LITESOUT1.GIF   1195
lightsout/LITESOUT2.GIF   1269
lightsout/LITESOUT3.GIF   1300
lightsout/LITESOUT4.GIF   64267
lightsout/README.txt   1190

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