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Tetrics v3.0


Ranked as 860 on our all-time top downloads list with 18639 downloads.
Ranked as 2536 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads.

Filename tetrics.zip (Download)
Title Tetrics v3.0
Description Compiled with tiggc version 0.96 beta 8. The teacher's keys bug is now removed.
Author Olivier GIVAUDAN (olivier_givaudan@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Puzzle)
File Size 242,108 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Mar 8 19:19:14 2009
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  yunus nasiri
Reviewed on 2008-06-01
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

Finally, a ti 89 tetris worth downloading.

Tetrics is basically tetris, you know the falling blocks and trying to get them into a line to clear them thats the basic idea of tetris, and you'll find all this in this game. if you enjoy tetris get this if not get this, it is horriby addictive and is probably the best tetris game on the 89.

SCORE 10/10

NOTE: TI 89 titanium works beatifully


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Archive Contents
Name Size
tetrics/READ-ME.txt   4929
tetrics/Source/clavier.h   2620
tetrics/Source/divers.h   9652
tetrics/Source/extgraph.a   411006
tetrics/Source/extgraph.h   135310
tetrics/Source/fonts.h   7518
tetrics/Source/graphiques.h   5951
tetrics/Source/images.h   32729
tetrics/Source/initialise.h   3397
tetrics/Source/menus.h   8680
tetrics/Source/tests.h   4448
tetrics/Source/tetrics.89y   15847
tetrics/Source/tetrics.89z   1095
tetrics/Source/tetrics.9xy   15847
tetrics/Source/tetrics.9xz   1095
tetrics/Source/tetrics.c   22768
tetrics/Source/tetrics.o   64096
tetrics/Source/tetrics.tpr   1527
tetrics/Source/tetrics.v2y   15847
tetrics/Source/tetrics.v2z   1095
tetrics/TI-89 & TI-89T/tetrics.89y   15847
tetrics/TI-89 & TI-89T/tetrics.89z   1095
tetrics/TI-92+ & V200/tetrics.9xy   15847
tetrics/TI-92+ & V200/tetrics.9xz   1095
tetrics/TI-92+ & V200/tetrics.v2y   15847
tetrics/TI-92+ & V200/tetrics.v2z   1095

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