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Binomial Expansion


Ranked as 3524 on our all-time top downloads list with 8362 downloads.
Ranked as 2905 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename bino.zip (Download)
Title Binomial Expansion
Description Expands Binomials In the form (a+b) where a and b can be both constants plus varibles. To use just input your binomial like in the form i explained above. You cant use more than the 2 parentheses and you can only use a + or - sign in the middle one time. You can use the -(negation not minus) as much as you want. And you can use * or / as much as you want as well. You are allowed to use imaginary numbers too. You can use any letter or letters that you want for varibles. after its done processing it will also tell you what it got for the numerical value of each side and the varibles it got for each side to help you figure out if you got what you wanted. And to expand it just go to the expand part and type in the power to expand to.
Author Cow Man (brassmonkey_sc@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 2,465 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Nov 24 18:02:52 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
AABINO.txt   2454
AABINO.8XP   3961

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