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All Theoretical Screens v1.0


Ranked as 23800 on our all-time top downloads list with 2530 downloads.
Ranked as 32710 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename allscrn.zip (Download)
Title All Theoretical Screens v1.0
Description This program shows every possible screen that the TI-83 Plus could ever show. That's right! Any screen, from any game, program, or application that has, or ever will be, created. The number of screens that the TI-83 Plus can show is 2^6144, and this program counts them up. Enjoy!
Author Chris B (jetstream@calc.org)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Misc. Programs (Ion)
File Size 2,345 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Nov 8 23:26:41 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Floyd Maseda
Reviewed on 2004-05-19
Overall, this program is pretty good. It just takes too long. I have a TI-83+ SE and it still took a couple of hours to complete.

Start backwards and work you way down to the corner they start in. If you do that, people might actually wait until it is done, or if they don't, they will have seen more than the way it is now. Plus, it takes up too much battery power if you don't have an emulator. Overall, I give it a 7 because it takes way too long.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
screen/screen.8xp   937
screen/Readme.txt   2071
screen/screen.asm   9770

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