Marc the Superkid Quest - True v1.05
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Marc the Superkid Quest - True v1.05
You've played the original, you've played the demo, and now you will play the actual. All the Marc the Superkid games you've played so far have been merely demos of this one, just tests to see if you truly have what it takes to play... Marc the Superkid Quest - TRUE Once more you play the boy, Marc the Superkid, guiding him through the continent of Bizan searching for your lost girlfriend, Anna Mei. Along the way you will gather items to aid you in the inevitable encounters with your father, Augutus Rennaul's, robotic minions. But you do not fear. To help defeat the robots you will use the Vision Arts attacks to clear the path to that final confrontation with your father. Will you survive? Only one way to find out! Author's note: I spent quite a while making certain this game would take longer than every game I've made so far. At around 200k and half the flash memory on a normal TI-83+ it darn well better. There are 30 screens, 10 enemies (plus the option for external enemies created by you!), 8 items, 24 special attacks, a tournament area to win Super Arts Move Scrolls, and 5 endings in this game as well as many more special additions I threw in. Have fun and EXPLORE!
Marc Ryan (
TI-83/84 Plus Flash Games
File Size
163,878 bytes
File Date and Time
Fri May 21 17:57:23 2004
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Review by
Ben Nagy
Reviewed on
Marc the Superkid, however odd it may sound, is amazing. Its unique battle system and good story line prove the dedication of the author to the project. The many secrets and ideas all over the place in MtS is simply too much to do on one go-around. You are forced to play it again.
The graphics are suberb, and the enemies and levels, though difficult, are possible to overcome, given time. The many levels of play only supports the ability to play it again and again, though eventually it gets repetitive.
The learning of special moves is a great touch, and though I have used this system, and have seen it elsewhere, the author of MtS improves upon it, making it integral to the battle system.
Speed: 10/10
Great speed
Gameplay: 9/10
Great system, but difficult
Replay: 7/10
Great replay value, but you're just doing the same thing only more difficult.
Graphics: 10/10
Amazing graphics, that are as fast as any I've seen.
Resources: 6/10
Okay, so its huge, but its all in 1 App!
Overall: 8/10
Worth it! This game will keep you and your friends occupied. |
See 7 more reviews
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Archive Contents
MtSQuest.txt | 89249 |
Starlight.mid | 37709 |
MtSRbts.8xg | 3202 |
MtSQTrue.chm | 68896 |
MtSQTrue.8xk | 196117 |