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The ULTIMATE Grade Organizer


Ranked as 27876 on our all-time top downloads list with 2108 downloads.

Filename gradeorganizer.zip (Download)
Title The ULTIMATE Grade Organizer
Description I was tired of the other grade programs, so I made this most importantly easy to use. It is class seperated so if you have 50 assignments in a class and 2 in the other class, speed will not be declined for the smaller class. Unlimited classes and grades per class. Important Note: This program uses the point system, no weighted grades, yet..maybe?? Give it a shot and let me know what you think, I sure like it.
Author Brad Wilke (toiletb03@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 BASIC Educational Programs (Grade Calculators, Managers)
File Size 57,103 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Oct 23 06:47:19 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Grade Organizer/Docs/ReadMe.txt   1116
Grade Organizer/grades.addclass.89p   465
Grade Organizer/grades.addgrade.89p   551
Grade Organizer/grades.clsgrd.89p   580
Grade Organizer/grades.dclass.89p   449
Grade Organizer/grades.dgrade.89p   356
Grade Organizer/grades.grades.89p   860
Grade Organizer/grades.insert.89p   485
Grade Organizer/grades.insertg.89p   509
Grade Organizer/grades.install.89p   180
Grade Organizer/grades.isused.89p   326
Grade Organizer/grades.vclass.89p   702
Grade Organizer/grades.vgrade.89p   388
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN01.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN010.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN02.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN03.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN04.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN05.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN06.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN07.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN08.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/SCREEN09.BMP   45810
Grade Organizer/Pics/Thumbs.db   68096

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