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Sk8er Boy v1.2u


Ranked as 12199 on our all-time top downloads list with 4183 downloads.

Filename sk8erboy.zip (Download)
Title Sk8er Boy v1.2u
Description Sk8er Boy is an in-progress street skateboarding game. There are currently five tricks that can be performed including manual and kickflip, and three secret tricks that can be bought with money you gain from competitions. You can also buy stat points to reduce bails. You gain points by doing tricks. The faster you are going while you do the trick, the more points you gain. You are also more likely to bail if you attempt a harder trick at a higher speed. If you bail on bigger tricks, you lose more points. Combos can add extra points by doing several tricks in a row quickly.
Author N/A ()
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Sports)
File Size 22,541 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Sep 17 22:13:12 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
sk8.89z   11429
sk8er boy.txt   3151
SK8ERBOY.GIF   20732

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