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Pacman v1.2


Ranked as 328 on our all-time top downloads list with 33831 downloads.
Ranked as 8993 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 79 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.66.

Filename pacman.zip (Download)
Title Pacman v1.2
Description A 68k remake of the greatest arcade game ever made. This version of Pacman focuses on the traditional, addictive gameplay of the original. Features include a classic and timed mode of gameplay, a full 15 original levels, and two highscore lists
Author Mark Peretich (markperetich@hotmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade)
File Size 17,904 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Mar 8 02:00:40 2007
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Marty McNeal
Reviewed on 2005-05-13
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

There are multiple versions of “Pacman” for many calculator models. I felt that this rendition of the classic wasn’t getting the attention it deserved, hence this review. Mark’s “Pacman” has all of the original’s looks and gameplay, minus color and sound, of course. It also does an excellent job with size and stability.

This calculator version works very well. The file size is small enough that this game fits on all but the most extremely packed calculators. Since it is nostub it doesn't need any shells to run. It also works just fine as a ppg compressed file run with Super Start. I haven't seen any real glitches in this game at all. No matter how I try to run it, it always works.

I give “Pacman” a ten for gameplay, graphics, speed, size, and stability. The only low score I can give for this game is plot, for which it gets a two. I really don’t care about the plot in this kind of game, but I have to wonder what the original creator of “Pacma”n was on when he made it. Mark did a very nice job in bringing this classic to the ti-89. The only things missing are color and sound.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
pacmlvls.89y   2798
Readme.txt   5235
screen1.gif   1408
screen2.gif   1373
pacman.89y   8213
pacman.89z   1793
pacmhscr.89y   252

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