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TI Pinball 0.2 Developer's Edition


Ranked as 436 on our all-time top downloads list with 28788 downloads.
Ranked as 8122 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.
Ranked as 304 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.15.

Filename tipinball.zip (Download)
Title TI Pinball 0.2 Developer's Edition
Description TI Pinball is the first ever assembly pinball game made made for any TI calculator. This new release features 4-level grayscaling, mobile field of view (a.k.a. "scrolling"), external high scores, and the support of external, custom tables. This file includes another program: The TI Pinball Table Developer. Using this tool, a user can graphically (and easily) create custom tables in minutes, and play them using TI Pinball 0.2. Currently, there is only a TI-89 version, but the TI-92+ and V200 versions are on their way. Source code included (if you wish to modify the code, you need ExtGraph). For additional downloads, go to www.nexusprograms.net. This version contains both .89? and .9x? files, and is now compatable with all 68K calcs (thanks to Frank Nothaft and Morgan Davis).
Author Jude Nelson (judecn@aol.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Pong, Pinball)
File Size 140,339 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jul 16 04:12:39 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pinball Table Creator.89z   1793
Pinball Table Creator.o   27103
TI Pinball Screen-2.GIF   2097
TI Pinball Screen-3.GIF   1591
TI Pinball Screen-4.GIF   1271
TI Pinball Screen-1.GIF   1511
ZPinBall.9xz   1793
ZPinBall.89z   1793
ZPinball.o   4033
ZPinBall.tpr   465
ZPinBall.9xy   24519
ZPinBall.89y   24519
TI Pinball README.txt   13534
TI Pinball Table Developer README.txt   10951
TI Pinball.c   94800
Pinball Table Creator.89y   13372
Pinball Table Creator.9xy   13372
Pinball Table Creator.9xz   1793
Pinball Table Creator.c   60248
Pinball Table Creator.tpr   491

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