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Flh 2


Ranked as 20863 on our all-time top downloads list with 2837 downloads.
Ranked as 18221 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename flh2tigltigc.zip (Download)
Title Flh 2
Description Flh2 is a cabri-like software writed in Basic and C, it's free ! try it ! sorry, it's french for the moment, but if flh get a good popularity, i will translate it.. please mail your comments, and don't forget our site : www.msc.fr.st
Author Guillaume Cuberli (gambit@8-0.net)
Category TI-89 BASIC Math Programs (Algebra)
File Size 77,320 bytes
File Date and Time Fri Jun 20 21:55:23 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Doc/flh2.htm   6966
Doc/flh2.jpg   20137
Doc/fond.jpg   7855
Flh pour TI connect/Installation.txt   306
Flh pour TI connect/main.flhmsi1.89y   23617
Flh pour TI connect/main.flhmsi2.89y   21325
Flh pour TI connect/main.flib.89z   8145
Flh pour TI connect/main.flib2.89z   7817
Flh pour TI connect/main.setup.89p   547
Flh pour TI Graph Link/flh_msi1.89y   23617
Flh pour TI Graph Link/flh_msi2.89y   21325
Flh pour TI Graph Link/flib.89z   8145
Flh pour TI Graph Link/flib2.89z   7817
Flh pour TI Graph Link/Installation.txt   306
Flh pour TI Graph Link/setup.89p   547

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