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Frawg Guts 19006


Ranked as 34166 on our all-time top downloads list with 1329 downloads.

Filename frogguts19006.zip (Download)
Title Frawg Guts 19006
Description You must save Frawgs from the road. Compiled to 19.006 and 19.0. Thanks to Julien Lasson
Authors Derrick Ward (ddward@cswnet.com)
molp (porter) (bl54@voila.fr)
Category TI-82 Assembly Games (CrASH 19.006)
File Size 16,370 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jun 5 15:09:28 2003
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Rodney Blythe
Reviewed on 2005-02-27
Overall Rating-9/10 Superb
Gameplay-9/10 Superb
Graphics-9/10 Superb
Speed-10/10 Outstanding
I have to admit that I have never played the original “Frogger,” but that makes no difference in my judgment of this program. “Frawguts” is a difficult, yet addicting game in which you guide a frog across a road, then a river, then finally to a safe zone. As you can see from the screen shots, this is no easy task. You must have a good sense of timing in order to get across the hazardous path. One false step and, well, you’re road kill :). Anyways, the graphics and speed are wonderful to say the least. This combination, along with its addictive character, makes “Frawguts” a classic game. Have Fun and Happy Downloading!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
frogguts/Frogguts.82p   2895
frogguts/frogguts.asm   29518
frogguts/frogguts.doc   5889
frogguts/Frogguts_19.006.82p   2895

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