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Exact Values For Extremely Large Integer Multiplication (PU


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Filename matmzipper.zip (Download)
Title Exact Values For Extremely Large Integer Multiplication (PU
Description This program allows for extremely high integer multiplication. The largest integer you can display exactally on the TI-83+ is 9999999999 of 10^10-1. The largest value you can reach period, before getting an overflow error is 10^99. This program calculated the exact value of (10^277-1)^2. Using that same formula, the overflow point for the TI-92+ is (10^308-1)^2. This program //greatly// expands the multiplicative capabilities for the calculator. However, there are a few limitations. You can only multiply integers, and you have to type them out exactally. Yes, I entered 277 9's by hand. Twice. The program is pretty small, 728 bytes. Pretty fast too, it squared a google in less than 5 minutes. When you run the program, it will ask for the two numbers, then it will begin displaying the percent multiplied as it works. Once it completely multiplies the number, it takes another moment or 2 to convert it to a displayable format. Then it displays it. If it flows off the edge, just scroll. I have big plans for this program, and using the (Un)Archive functions, I hope to expand the capacity even more. See how far you can take it, my calculator is pretty bad. Push the envelope.
Author Wesley Cowan (polar_ice_cat@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Arithmetic)
File Size 1,331 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jun 2 19:47:23 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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