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TI Slimeball


Ranked as 564 on our all-time top downloads list with 24160 downloads.
Ranked as 3068 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.
Ranked as 50 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.70.

Filename sb12uk.zip (Download)
Title TI Slimeball
Description Now works in MirageOS too! This is a volleyball game featuring two slimes. I admit the idea has been used before, but I love the way it works, and it havn't been done for a miniconsole yet afaik, so I hope you will too. You can play head to head or versus an ai controlled player. Read the source for documentation. I can almost promise a great amount of fun :)
Author Joakim Ahnfelt-Rønne (joakimar@c.dk)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion/Sports)
File Size 12,769 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jun 5 15:08:51 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Gabriel Rath
Reviewed on 2006-12-21
This game is very good at occupying you for about three days. After that, you forget either forget about it, delete it, or smash your calc for not being able to beat the AI ;).

Graphics: 9/10

Nothing extraordinary about them, but nothing bad either. However, the ball does sometimes seem invisible when it is going top speed.

Gameplay: 8/10

As I said, the ball sometimes goes too fast. Also, the ball occasionally ignores the slime and hits the floor right through the slime (this is one way I beat the AI).

Single-Player AI: 7/10

There are two choices: either you smash your calc because the AI seems invincible or you fall asleep because the AI is so freakin' easy (I fall into the latter of the two categories).

Multi-Player: 9/10

It's nice to be able to play 2-player on one calc, but Gordon has an advantage over Walter because the arrow keys are located closer together than the number keys 1,3, and 5.

Overall: 8.25/10

A pretty good game which needs some improvements.

See 7 more reviews


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Archive Contents
Name Size
SB12UK.83P   3669
sb12uk.8xp   3671
sb12uk.z80   55976

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