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Pokemon Bundle version 2.0


Ranked as 585 on our all-time top downloads list with 23718 downloads.
Ranked as 2107 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename pokemonbundle.zip (Download)
Title Pokemon Bundle version 2.0
Description This includes both Pokemon games, Red and Blue bundled together. UPDATE: Updated readme file
Author YK (N/A)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing/Pokémon)
File Size 122,032 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Oct 4 19:22:46 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



Review by  Bryce Taylor
Reviewed on 2007-09-23
Overall, the pokemon bundle games were too difficult to get to work properly and not enough like the regular game to be worth the download.

Graphics: 2/10

The title screen was nice, but the actual game graphics consist of the graph screen with a border around it, with holes indicating where you can go to a new town. The battles are not graphical, either.

Bugs: 3/10

This game took me a LONG time to figure out how to work. There are a ton of memory leaks, so I never could get the entire game to work at a single time.

Size: 5/10

It's big, and eats up every single bit of RAM (but still needs more), but large size is expected with RPGs.

Gameplay: 3/10

All of the strategy of the pokemon games is lost; everything is based on your type. However, using types is a bonus, but you cannot learn more moves, etc.

Speed: 7/10

The game runs at a decent speed, but it could be improved on.

Overall: 20/50

Don't bother downloading this because it is too hard to make work.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pic8.8xi   832
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/PKMNBLUE.8xg   13228
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/readme.txt   378
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/ZPF.8xp   2132
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/Pokemon.ttf   48072
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/ZM.8xp   1820
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/ZPF.8xp   2131
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Blue v2.0/ZTOWN.8xp   3430
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pic8.8xi   832
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/PKMNRED.8xg   16601
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/readme.txt   378
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pokemon QuickLevel Patch/ZPF.8xp   2132
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/Pokemon.ttf   48072
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/ZM.8xp   1820
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/ZPF.8xp   2131
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/ZTOWN.8xp   3430
Pokemon Bundle/Pokemon Red 2.6/~$adme Pokemon Red.htm   162
Pokemon Bundle/pokemon_map.jpg   38096
Pokemon Bundle/Readme.htm   90113

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