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Spazian 0.25 V200 Edition


Ranked as 12777 on our all-time top downloads list with 4038 downloads.
Ranked as 15401 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename spazian.zip (Download)
Title Spazian 0.25 V200 Edition
Description This is an advanced high-performance shoot-em-up game written entirely in C. This game, unlike several others, requires more thought and vigilance than simply obliterating scores of enemies with a powerful weapon. Additionally, this game has something that few other shoot-em-up games have: a plot. This program does not require a shell to operate. It is freeware and open-source, so anything you might find interesting in this program can be used in your future programs without any restraints. If you do use parts of the source, however, it would be nice if you gave me a bit of credit. If you are a developer, there are detailed instructions in the README as to how to change the built-in level sets and sprites. External levels are on their way, and so is a level developer. Now, grab your V200, download this program, and save the universe!
Author Jude Nelson (judecn@aol.com)
Category Voyage 200 Assembly Games
File Size 49,667 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 15 13:58:53 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
screen3.GIF   2226
screen4.GIF   1961
screen1.GIF   1750
screen2.GIF   1935
Spazian.c   89605
Spazian Game Readme.txt   26985
Spazian.9xy   16092
Spazian.9xz   1793

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