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Mario Kart v1.3


Ranked as 779 on our all-time top downloads list with 20128 downloads.
Ranked as 9372 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.
Ranked as 772 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 1.56.

Filename mk13.zip (Download)
Title Mario Kart v1.3
Description This little game brings MarioKart too the calculator in a feature rich, powerful racing game. By downloading this, you have the right to use the it for the basis of your own game, if you contact Nathan at polar@spymac.com first. Version 1.3 includes many small fixxes, compression, and lowercase. Polar Computer
Author Nathan Crank (polar@spymac.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade/Racing)
File Size 2,949 bytes
File Date and Time Sun May 11 07:23:47 2003
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Morgan W-K
Reviewed on 2011-02-01
Although you can tell hours of work was put into this, it is still another text based tunnel game. I have played every official mario kart game and I honestly do not remember the cars looking like letters, the road being lined with brackets, or Mario exploding upon hitting the edges of the road. I do remember items, other racers, turns, and... If you remember it from mario kart, it is most likely not in this.

Playability 3/10 - ok - for a TUNNEL GAME

graphics 2/10 - at least you added a horizon

originality -9000 / 10 - you stole someone elses idea - then to make it you stole another idea - and made a game exactly like every other tunnel game on this site.

overall -1/10 - it totally stinks. not worth clogging your ram.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MK13.8xg   5517
Mario Kart v1.3.txt   729

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