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RaptorWare Presentsm Final Fantasy: In the Beginning v2.3


Ranked as 14401 on our all-time top downloads list with 3726 downloads.

Filename rwffin23.zip (Download)
Title RaptorWare Presentsm Final Fantasy: In the Beginning v2.3
Description This game takes you to the beginning journeys of the main character for the Final Fantasy series (I know in FF7 it is Squall, but I don't know if he is the same one in all the games). You were relaxing at your house, enjoying the summer... ..."when suddenly the ground started shaking! After the quake was over, you walked outside, only to see a strange tower you have never seen before! You went to find the elder of the village. Once you told him the story, he gave you a sword, saying, 'This sword will hurt anything evil. Go and fulfill your destiny.' So your journey begins..." This game is an update to the 83 version I made long ago. It incorporates such features as a save game, lowercase text, and some optimization. Please refer to readme for more information. Also, please check our site (or here) in the next couple months (by Aug 03 at the latest I hope) for RaptorWare's Sword of Might, my next RPG (which will be much better).
Author RaptorDrew (Raptorf22a@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Role-playing)
File Size 17,066 bytes
File Date and Time Wed May 7 04:36:34 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
RWFFIN23.8XG   17411
Final Fantasy v2.3 readme.doc   33792
ffinthe23.txt.txt   5484
rwffin23_opening.gif   921

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