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Medal of Honor 4 (Rough Landing)


Ranked as 1888 on our all-time top downloads list with 11606 downloads.
Ranked as 9465 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename medalofhonor.zip (Download)
Title Medal of Honor 4 (Rough Landing)
Description This is THE best Medal of Honor level yet. This has all the features I mentioned before (except the level, The Golden Lion, because of memory problems) and even more. It has an animated title screen more realistic to the actual PS2 title screen, 6 guns w/ ammunition, the abiltity to switch guns when you run out of ammo, allied help and assistance in your missions, and the best feature yet, a high score system! Play with your friends and see who's the best. I warn you though, this is a harder level than its older brothers. The level is Rough landing and it is JUST like the PS2 game. I took out the Maps feature b/c it was wasted space. I did include the completed maps in a separate folder for viewing. A must have for the TI-83+.
Author Jarrod Scherle (j_scherle88@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Strategy)
File Size 17,091 bytes
File Date and Time Thu May 1 05:03:58 2003
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
pictures.8xg   3787
Pic2.8xi   832
Pic3.8xi   832
ALLIEDAM.8xp   117
ALLIEDTH.8xp   342
ALLIES.8xp   334
AMMO.8xp   474
BATLEHLP.8xp   419
BULETHLE.8xp   231
DRAWPIC8.8xp   154
ENCNTER.8xp   1144
FARMLAND.8xp   6046
FNDAMMO.8xp   259
HEALTH.8xp   100
HGHSCORE.8xp   265
JRODRULE.8xp   93
MEDALOFH.8xp   221
NOGAINS.8xp   88
RANKS.8xp   414
REWARDS.8xp   165
ROUGHLAN.8xp   4827
RUDEAD.8xp   217
RUOUT.8xp   587
SWITCHGN.8xp   347
TITLESCN.8xp   1072
USEAMMO.8xp   267
WEAPON.8xp   305
WINDMILL.8xp   3838
Pic1.8xi   832
Pic8.8xi   832
Readme.txt   1078

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